The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Philippines has launched the Integrated Grievance Redress Management System (IGRMS) to transform how grievances, complaints, and requests are managed.
This centralized platform aims to enhance the efficiency of DSWD’s service delivery.
Targeting beneficiaries of social welfare programs, the system offers features like anonymous filing, real-time notifications, and unique tracking numbers for each grievance.
Clients can expect a streamlined, secure process that adheres to the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012, addressing their concerns promptly and effectively.

Key Features of IGRMS
1. Anonymous Filing for Clients
One of the standout features of this platform is the ability for clients to file grievances, complaints, and requests anonymously through the IGRMS public portal.
This upholds privacy and encourages more people to come forward with their concerns without fear of exposure.
2. Real-Time Notifications
Clients who use the platform will receive notifications about the status of their concerns via SMS, calls, or email.
This keeps clients informed and reassured that their issues are being addressed in a timely manner.
3. Unique Identification Numbers
Each grievance submitted through the system is assigned a unique identification number.
This allows for easy tracking and monitoring of the issue, so that no complaint goes unnoticed.
Benefits of a Centralized System
1. Integrated Service Environment
By consolidating all existing grievance systems into one platform, the platform aims to provide a more responsive and efficient service environment.
This integration helps in managing and resolving issues faster and more effectively.
2. National Training Programs
To promote the successful rollout of the system, DSWD has conducted national training programs across its regional offices.
This way, staff are well-equipped to handle the new system and provide better service to clients.
3. Adherence to the Data Privacy Act
The DSWD guarantees that all client information submitted through the platform is protected under the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012.
This commitment to data privacy sees to it that clients’ personal information is secure and used responsibly.

Step-by-Step Guide on Filing a Grievance through the Integrated Grievance Redress Management System
Step 1: Fill Out the Form
Visit the IGRMS portal and fill out the required fields in the grievance form.
Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.
You need to provide your full name, region, province, municipality, barangay, email address, mobile number, sex, nature of concern, program, client sector, and any attachments relevant to your grievance.
Step 2: Submit the Form
After completing the form, submit it.
You will then receive a One-Time PIN (OTP) sent to your provided email address.
Step 3: Enter the OTP
Check your email for the OTP.
Input this PIN on the next form on the portal.
Submit the OTP and wait for a notification confirming that your grievance has been successfully filed.
How to Fill Out the Grievance Form
Choose to Stay Anonymous (Optional)
- Tick the box if you prefer to file anonymously.
Enter Your Personal Information
- Full Name: First, Middle, Last Name.
- Region: Select your region.
- Province: Select your province.
- Municipality: Select your municipality.
- Barangay: Select your barangay.
- Email Address: Provide your email address.
- Mobile Number: Enter your 11-digit mobile number.
- Sex: Choose your gender.
Specify Your Concern
- Nature of Concern: Select the type of grievance.
- Program: Select the relevant program.
- Client Sector: Select your client sector.
- Attachment: Upload any relevant files.
Describe Your Grievance
- Grievance (Reklamo): Provide a detailed description of your issue.
Submit the Form
- Click on the “Submit Grievance” button.
After Submission
Check Your Email
- Look for the One-Time PIN (OTP) sent to your email.
Enter the OTP
- Input the OTP on the subsequent form to confirm your submission.
Receive Confirmation
- Wait for a notification indicating your grievance has been successfully filed.
By following these steps, you can rest assured that your grievance is properly recorded and processed by the DSWD.

By following these steps and using the platform, you can file a grievance with the DSWD efficiently and effectively, making sure your concerns are addressed in a timely and responsive manner.
Tracking Your Grievance Status
After filing a grievance through the DSWD Integrated Grievance Redress Management System, you can easily track the status of your submission.
Here’s how:
- Visit the IGRMS Portal: Go to the DSWD IGRMS website.
- Enter Your Ticket Number: On the “Track Status” page, enter the unique ticket number you received upon filing your grievance.
- Check the Status: Click the search icon to view the current status of your grievance.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How will I receive notifications about the status of my grievance filed through the system?
Clients who lodge their requests or complaints through the system will receive notifications regarding the status via SMS, call, or email. This feature is designed to keep clients updated and informed at every step of the process.
2. Can I file my grievance anonymously?
Yes, clients can choose to file their grievances anonymously by ticking the “Anonymous” box on the IGRMS public portal. While personal details are kept confidential, the DSWD will request a contact number or email for feedback purposes in order for clients receive updates.
3. Can I file multiple complaints through the platform?
Yes, clients can file multiple complaints through the platform. However, it is encouraged to include the ticket reference number of the first complaint for monitoring purposes. This helps in tracking the progress so that all issues are addressed systematically.
4. How does the DSWD maintain the privacy of my personal information?
The DSWD upholds the safety of clients’ personal information in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012. This guarantees that all data shared with the DSWD is handled with the highest level of security.
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact the DSWD through their official hotline numbers or visit their office at the Public Assistance and Complaints Desk (PACD).
Video: MODULE 3, Session 4: The Grievance Redress System
The Grievance Redress System (GRS) is a mechanism to address dissatisfaction with program service delivery within the DSWD. It aims to resolve grievances, improve beneficiary experience, and develop policies to enhance program implementation. The system includes various channels such as walk-ins, hotlines, emails, and social media for reporting and resolving grievances effectively.
The IGRMS is a significant step forward in digitizing and streamlining DSWD’s grievance handling processes.
By providing a centralized, efficient, and secure platform for addressing client concerns, the DSWD aims to enhance its service delivery and build greater trust with the public.
Clients are encouraged to utilize the system so that their grievances are heard and resolved promptly.
With the commitment to data privacy and the ease of tracking complaints, IGRMS stands as a robust solution for improving public service in the Philippines.