The National Amnesty Commission (NAC) is established under the authority of various presidential proclamations in the Philippines.
Its primary role is to process and review applications for amnesty from former Filipino rebels.
This is part of a broader strategy for peace and reconciliation in the country.
The NAC is empowered to promulgate rules and regulations necessary for its effective operation, subject to the President’s approval.
It coordinates with multiple government agencies to facilitate the smooth implementation of its functions.

Legal Framework
The National Amnesty Commission (NAC) was established by Proclamation No. 347 on March 25, 1994, by President Fidel V. Ramos to receive, process, and review amnesty applications from former rebels and insurgents. Under Section 19, Article VII of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the President is authorized to grant amnesty with the concurrence of Congress. The NAC implements these amnesty programs through various presidential proclamations, including Nos. 1090, 1091, 1092, and 1093, which address members of the MILF, MNLF, and other insurgent groups.Top of FormBottom of Form
Composition and Governance
Commission Members: The NAC is composed of seven members. This includes a chairperson, three regular members appointed by the President, and the Secretaries of Justice, National Defense, and Interior and Local Government as ex officio members.
Local Amnesty Boards: To facilitate the processing of amnesty applications, the NAC can establish Local Amnesty Boards in various provinces, cities, and municipalities. These boards process the initial assessment and recommendation for amnesty applications.
History of the Commission
The NAC was created to support the reintegration of former rebels into mainstream society.
This step is important for achieving lasting peace in regions affected by insurgency.
Over the years, the NAC has evolved and expanded its operations, including the establishment of multiple field offices across the country.
These efforts have been supported by various agreements and collaborations with other government bodies.
Vision & Mission
The NAC’s vision is to foster lasting peace and reconciliation in the Philippines.
Its mission is to provide a structured and supportive process for former rebels seeking amnesty.
By doing so, the NAC aims to promote social healing, restore rights, and uplift the lives of former combatants.
The commission strives to create an environment where former rebels can transition into productive members of society.
Functions and Powers
Processing Applications: The NAC is responsible for receiving and processing amnesty applications through Local Amnesty Boards (LABs). Eligibility for amnesty is determined based on the criteria set forth in the relevant proclamations.
Legal Protections: Applicants for amnesty are provided certain legal protections. Notably, testimonies and evidence they provide cannot be used against them in other legal proceedings, except in cases of perjury committed during their testimonies.
Rule-Making Authority: The NAC has the authority to promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of amnesty proclamations. These rules and regulations are subject to the President’s approval to promote consistency and alignment with national policies.
Administrative Functions: The NAC has several administrative powers, including the ability to administer oaths, summon witnesses, and require the production of documents. It can also call on other government offices for assistance in carrying out its functions.
Programs Offered
Amnesty Proclamations
The NAC administers amnesty under specific presidential proclamations.
These include Proclamations 403, 404, 405, and 406, which grant amnesty to members of various insurgent groups like RPMP-RPA-ABB, CPP-NPA-NDF, MNLF, and MILF.
Local Amnesty Boards (LABs)
The NAC has established Local Amnesty Boards throughout the country.
These boards conduct initial eligibility assessments and forward recommendations to the NAC for final review.
Collaborative Efforts
The NAC collaborates with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and other agencies.
These collaborations provide comprehensive support, including livelihood opportunities and psychosocial assistance, to amnesty grantees.
Support Services
Health and Medical Assistance
In partnership with the Department of Health (DOH), the NAC ascertains that former rebels receive necessary medical assistance.
Livelihood and Economic Support
Through programs like the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP), the NAC offers economic support to help former combatants rebuild their lives.
Psychosocial Support
The NAC provides psychosocial support to help former rebels cope with the trauma of conflict and reintegrate into society.
How to Avail of the Commission’s Programs
- To apply for amnesty, former rebels must submit their applications to the NAC.
- The commission, in collaboration with the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), verifies the information provided by the applicants.
- Local Amnesty Boards conduct initial assessments and make recommendations to the NAC.
- Applicants who meet the criteria set forth in the presidential proclamations are granted amnesty.
- The NAC then works with other agencies to provide comprehensive support to these individuals.
For those seeking amnesty, submitting applications, making inquiries, or requesting assistance, the National Amnesty Commission (NAC) has established Local Amnesty Boards (LABs) across the Philippines. Here’s how you can reach them:
LAB – NCR (National Capital Region)
For applicants in the National Capital Region, you can contact the LAB through the following:
- Hotline: 09628657982 (SMART)
- Email:
LAB – Bacolod City
Applicants in Bacolod City can reach the LAB at:
- Hotline: 09660552256 (GLOBE)
- Email:
LAB – Iloilo City
For those in Iloilo City, contact the LAB via:
- Hotline: 09535705066
- Email:
LAB – Cotabato City
Applicants in Cotabato City have two hotline options:
- Hotline (GLOBE): 09660423621
- Hotline (SMART): 09622886714
- Email:
LAB – Cagayan de Oro
In Cagayan de Oro, you can reach the LAB through:
- Hotline: 09664110630 (GLOBE)
- Email:
LAB – Pagadian City
For Pagadian City, contact the LAB at:
- Hotline: 09627440324 (SMART)
- Email:
LAB – Davao City
Applicants in Davao City can reach out via:
- Hotline: 09625838531 (SMART)
- Email:
LAB – Isabela City, Basilan
For Isabela City, Basilan, contact the LAB through:
- Hotline (GLOBE): 09660410113
- Hotline (SMART): 09217383993
- Email:
LAB – Jolo, Sulu
Applicants in Jolo, Sulu can use the following contact details:
- Hotline (TM): 09536687277
- Hotline (TNT): 09859014952
- Email:
Reaching out to the nearest LAB is essential for receiving the necessary assistance and ascertains that your application process is smooth and efficient. Each LAB is equipped to handle inquiries and provide support to help former rebels transition back into society successfully.

NAC Application Form
The National Amnesty Commission (NAC) announces the commencement of amnesty applications under Proclamation Nos. 403, 405, 406, and 404. Applicants have a two-year window to file with the Local Amnesty Board (LAB), with specific deadlines for different groups. LABs are accessible in various locations, offering a chance for individuals to embrace a fresh start. This encourages individuals to step into a world of new possibilities and embark on a journey of forgiveness and renewal. Spread the word and seize the opportunity for positive change and transformation.

How to Fill Out the NAC Application Form
The NAC Application Form is essential for those seeking amnesty. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you fill it out correctly:
Personal Circumstances
- Attach a 1.5’ x 1.5’ picture in the designated space.
- Name: Write your last name, first name, middle name, and suffix (if any).
- Alias/es: List any aliases you have used.
- Date of Birth: Use the format mm/dd/yyyy.
- Age: Enter your current age.
- Current Address: Include your street, barangay, city/province.
- Place of Birth: Specify where you were born.
- Sex: Indicate your gender.
- Remarks: Note any special needs (e.g., pregnant, lactating, disabled).
- Civil Status: Check the appropriate box (Single, Married, Widow/Widower, Separated, Annulled/Divorced).
- Contact Person: Provide the name and address of a contact person for communication purposes.
- Email Address: Enter your email address.
Group Affiliation
- Encircle the Group: Identify your group (MILF, MNLF, RPMP-RPA-ABB, CPP-NPA-NDF).
- Unit/Command: Specify your unit or command.
- Current Status: Check the appropriate box (e.g., Returnee, Decommissioned, Lay low/Former Rebel, Active, Detained).
- Area of Operations: State where you operated.
- Period of Membership/Involvement: Provide dates for the beginning and end of your involvement.
- Status of the Case: Indicate if you have a pending case, are serving a sentence, are convicted, or have no known case.
- Date of Surrender: For CPP-NPA-NDF members, state when you surrendered or renounced membership.
- Previous Amnesty: Indicate if you have received amnesty before.
- Human Security Act/Anti-Terrorism Act: Specify if you were charged or convicted under these acts.
Description of Acts/Crimes
- Short Description: Briefly describe the acts or crimes for which you seek amnesty.
- Details: State what, when, and where the acts were committed. Use an additional sheet if necessary.
Previous Convictions/Status of Pending Cases
- Pending Cases: List crimes charged, case numbers, and court details.
- Convictions: Provide information on any convictions.
Previous Amnesty Applications
- Check if Applied Before: Indicate if you have previously applied for amnesty.
- Details of Previous Application: Provide details of the proclamation, result, and reasons if denied.
- Firearm Possession: Indicate if you own firearms.
- Details of Firearms: Provide information on the number, serial numbers, make, and caliber.
- Willingness to Surrender: Indicate if you are willing to surrender your firearms.
- Surrender Details: Provide details if the firearms have already been surrendered.
Request for Safe Conduct Pass
- Provisional Safe Conduct Pass: Indicate if you are applying for this pass.
- Safe Conduct Pass: Indicate if you are applying for this pass.
Verification and Waiver of Confidentiality
- Certification: Certify that the information provided is true and correct.
- Authorization: Authorize the NAC to validate the information and use your personal data.
- Confidentiality: Acknowledge that admissions made in the application are confidential.
- Oath: Sign and date the form in the presence of a person administering the oath.
If Filed by a Representative
- Certification of Representative: The representative must certify that they witnessed your signature and thumbprint on the form.
- Representative Details: Provide the full name, signature, and relationship to the applicant.
- Address: Provide the representative’s address.
Additional Attachments
Attach any relevant documents to support your application, such as:
- Complaint/Information/Charge Sheet
- Court Decision
- Police Investigation Report
- Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Interrogation Report
- Resolution of Preliminary Investigation
- Affidavits of Witnesses
- Other relevant documents
Make sure all sections are completed accurately to avoid delays in the processing of your application.
Recent Updates
Amnesty Applications Update by the National Amnesty Commission
As of July 12, 2024, the National Amnesty Commission (NAC) has received 578 amnesty applications, with the majority coming from former members of CPP-NPA-NDF. A significant number of applicants are also from RPMP-RPA-ABB, MILF, and MNLF. The establishment of more Local Amnesty Boards aims to facilitate the return of rebels to legality and a peaceful life. (GMA News Online)
Amnesty Applications Update by the National Amnesty Commission
As of the May 31, the National Amnesty Commission (NAC) has received 28 hard copy applications for amnesty. Eligible individuals from various groups, including RPMP-RPA-ABB, CPP-NPA-NDF, MILF, and MNLF, have the opportunity to apply for amnesty within the designated two-year period. Efforts are underway to facilitate applications from detainees interested in seeking amnesty. (GMA News Online)
NSA Año Encourages Former Rebels to Apply for Amnesty
National Security Adviser Eduardo Año urges former members of rebel groups to participate in the government’s amnesty program, emphasizing the opportunity for peace and reconciliation. The program, accepting applications for groups like RPMP-RPA-ABB, CPP-NPA-NDF, MILF, and MNLF, aims to end longstanding conflicts and promote national development. Año highlights the importance of seizing this chance for renewal and integration into mainstream society, fostering lasting peace and progress in the country. (GMA News Online)
Video: Interview with Atty. Leah C. Tanodra-Armamento on Amnesty Application
Atty. Leah C. Tanodra-Armamento, Chairperson of the National Amnesty Commission (NAC), shared insights on amnesty eligibility, the application process, and the application period on PTV Philippines. Her interview on Rise and Shine Pilipinas provided valuable information for potential applicants seeking amnesty. Stay informed about the details and deadlines for applying through the NAC’s guidance.
The National Amnesty Commission holds significance in the Philippines’ peace and reconciliation efforts.
By offering a structured process for amnesty and supporting the reintegration of former rebels, the NAC promotes social healing and uplifts lives.
Its various programs and collaborations aim to foster lasting peace and stability in the country.
Through the NAC’s efforts, former combatants are given the opportunity to become productive members of society, contributing to the overall development of the nation.